Send Intra Oral Scans

To send a case through 3-Shape Communicate:
1. Send a Connection Request from the 3-Shape Communicate account to
2. Transmit a case through Trios Inbox.

To send a case through CS Connect:
1. Request partnership in CS Connect to
2. Transmit case through CS Connect.

To send a case through iTero:
1. Add Matrix Milling Center (Company ID: 93109). Please contact iTero and provide our ID number to add Matrix Milling Center to your system.
2. Transmit case through iTero.

To send a case through MeditLink:
1. Request partnership in MeditLink to
2. Transmit case through MeditLink.

To send a case through Cerec-Connect:
1. Login and click on "My Favorite Labs."
2. Search for "Matrix Milling Center" - you must enter "47130" into the Zip Code.
3. Click the checkbox on the left of "Matrix Milling Center"
4. Complete your intra-oral scan and transmit.